Source code for police_api.forces

from .neighbourhoods import Neighbourhood
from .resource import Resource, SimpleResource

[docs]class Force(Resource): """ A police force. .. doctest:: >>> from police_api import PoliceAPI >>> from police_api.forces import Force >>> api = PoliceAPI() >>> force = Force(api, id='leicestershire') >>> print( Leicestershire Police :param PoliceAPI api: The API instance to use. :param bool preload: If ``True``, attributes are loaded from the API on instantiation rather than waiting for a property to be accessed. :param attrs: Only the ``id`` is required. Any other attributes supplied will be set on the instance and not fetched from the API. .. attribute:: id :type: str The force's identifier (a slugified version of the name). .. attribute:: name :type: str The full name of the force. .. attribute:: description :type: str A short description of the force's role. .. attribute:: url :type: str The force's website address. .. attribute:: telephone :type: str The force's main switchboard number. Usually set to ``'101'`` since the introduction of the national service. .. attribute:: engagement_methods :type: list A ``list`` of ``dict``, containing the keys ``url``, ``type``, ``description``, and ``title``. .. doctest:: >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(['{type}: {url}'.format(**method) ... for method in force.engagement_methods]) ['facebook:', 'twitter:', 'youtube:', 'rss:', 'telephone: ', 'flickr:'] .. attribute:: neighbourhoods :type: list A ``list`` of ``Neighbourhood`` objects (all the Neighbourhood Policing Teams in this force area). .. attribute:: senior_officers :type: list A ``list`` of :class:`Force.SeniorOfficer` objects. """ id = None _resource_cache = {} _neighbourhoods = None fields = ['description', 'telephone', 'name', 'engagement_methods', 'url']
[docs] class SeniorOfficer(SimpleResource): """ A senior police officer. Uses the senior-officers_ API call. :param `PoliceAPI` api: The API instance to use. :param dict data: The attributes that will be copied to this instance. .. attribute:: force :type: :class:`Force` The police force that this officer works for. .. attribute:: name :type: str The officer's name. .. attribute:: rank :type: str The officer's rank. .. attribute:: bio :type: str The officer's biography. .. attribute:: contact_details :type: list A ``list`` of ``dict``, containing methods of contacting the officer. .. doctest:: >>> from police_api import PoliceAPI >>> force = PoliceAPI().get_force('leicestershire') >>> officer = force.senior_officers[0] >>> print(officer.contact_details['twitter']) .. _senior-officers: """ fields = ['force', 'name', 'rank', 'contact_details', 'bio'] def __str__(self): return '<Force.SeniorOfficer> %s' %
def __str__(self): return '<Force> %s' % def _get_api_method(self): return 'forces/%s' % def _get_resource(self, cls, method): if method in self._resource_cache: return self._resource_cache[method] objs = [] method = 'forces/%s/%s' % (, method) for d in self.api.service.request('GET', method): d.update({ 'force': self, }) objs.append(cls(self.api, data=d)) self._resource_cache[method] = objs return objs def get_neighbourhood(self, neighbourhood_id, **attrs): return Neighbourhood(self.api, force=self, id=neighbourhood_id, **attrs) @property def senior_officers(self): return self._get_resource(self.SeniorOfficer, 'people') @property def neighbourhoods(self): if self._neighbourhoods is None: self._neighbourhoods = self.api.get_neighbourhoods(self) return self._neighbourhoods @property def slug(self): return