Source code for police_api

from .crime import NoLocationCrime, Crime, CrimeCategory
from .exceptions import InvalidCategoryException
from .forces import Force
from .neighbourhoods import Neighbourhood
from .service import BaseService, APIError
from .stop_and_search import Stop
from .utils import encode_polygon
from .version import __version__  # NOQA

[docs]class PoliceAPI(object): """ .. doctest:: >>> from police_api import PoliceAPI >>> api = PoliceAPI(user_agent='cops-and-robbers/9.9.9', timeout=60) :param base_url: The base endpoint URL for the Police API. Default: ``''`` :param user_agent: The user agent string to use. Default: ``'police-api-client-python/<version>'`` :param timeout: The timeout in seconds. Default: ``30`` :param username: The username to authenticate with. Default: ``None`` :param password: The password to authenticate with. Default: ``None`` """ def __init__(self, **config): self.service = BaseService(self, **config) self.crime_categories = {}
[docs] def get_forces(self): """ Get a list of all police forces. Uses the forces_ API call. .. _forces: :rtype: list :return: A list of :class:`forces.Force` objects (one for each police force represented in the API) """ forces = [] for f in self.service.request('GET', 'forces'): forces.append(Force(self, id=f['id'], name=f['name'])) return forces
[docs] def get_force(self, id, **attrs): """ Get an individual forces. Uses the force_ API call. .. _force: :param id: The ID of the force to get information about. :rtype: :class:`forces.Force` :return: The appropriate :class:`forces.Force` object. """ return Force(self, id=id, **attrs)
[docs] def get_neighbourhoods(self, force): """ Get a list of all neighbourhoods for a force. Uses the neighbourhoods_ API call. .. _neighbourhoods: :param force: The force to get neighbourhoods for (either by ID or :class:`forces.Force` object) :type force: str or :class:`forces.Force` :rtype: list :return: A ``list`` of :class:`neighbourhoods.Neighbourhood` objects (one for each Neighbourhood Policing Team in the given force). """ if not isinstance(force, Force): force = Force(self, id=force) neighbourhoods = [] for n in self.service.request('GET', '%s/neighbourhoods' % neighbourhoods.append( Neighbourhood(self, force=force, id=n['id'], name=n['name'])) return sorted(neighbourhoods, key=lambda n:
[docs] def get_neighbourhood(self, force, id, **attrs): """ Get a specific neighbourhood. Uses the neighbourhood_ API call. .. _neighbourhood: :param force: The force within which the neighbourhood resides (either by ID or :class:`forces.Force` object) :type force: str or Force :param str neighbourhood: The ID of the neighbourhood to fetch. :rtype: Neighbourhood :return: The Neighbourhood object for the given force/ID. """ if not isinstance(force, Force): force = Force(self, id=force, **attrs) return Neighbourhood(self, force=force, id=id, **attrs)
[docs] def locate_neighbourhood(self, lat, lng): """ Find a neighbourhood by location. Uses the locate-neighbourhood_ API call. .. _locate-neighbourhood: :param lat: The latitude of the location. :type lat: float or str :param lng: The longitude of the location. :type lng: float or str :rtype: Neighbourhood or None :return: The Neighbourhood object representing the Neighbourhood Policing Team responsible for the given location. """ method = 'locate-neighbourhood' q = '%s,%s' % (lat, lng) try: result = self.service.request('GET', method, q=q) return self.get_neighbourhood(result['force'], result['neighbourhood']) except APIError: pass
[docs] def get_dates(self): """ Get a list of available dates. Uses the crimes-street-dates_ API call. .. _crimes-street-dates: :rtype: list :return: A ``list`` of ``str`` representing each monthly data set, in the format ``YYYY-MM``, most recent first. """ response = self.service.request('GET', 'crimes-street-dates') return [d['date'] for d in response]
[docs] def get_latest_date(self): """ Get the latest available date. Uses the crimes-street-dates_ API call (not crime-last-updated_, becuase the format differs). .. _crimes-street-dates: .. _crime-last-updated: :rtype: str :return: The most recent data set's date, in the format ``YYYY-MM``. """ return self.get_dates()[0]
def _populate_crime_categories(self, date=None): response = self.service.request('GET', 'crime-categories', date=date) self.crime_categories[date] = {} for c in filter(lambda x: x['url'] != 'all-crime', response): self.crime_categories[date][c['url']] = CrimeCategory(self, data=c) def _get_crime_categories(self, date=None): if date not in self.crime_categories: self._populate_crime_categories(date=date) return self.crime_categories[date]
[docs] def get_crime_categories(self, date=None): """ Get a list of crime categories, valid for a particular date. Uses the crime-categories_ API call. .. _crime-categories: :rtype: list :param date: The date of the crime categories to get. :type date: str or None :return: A ``list`` of crime categories which are valid at the specified date (or at the latest date, if ``None``). """ return sorted(self._get_crime_categories(date=date).values(), key=lambda c:
[docs] def get_crime_category(self, id, date=None): """ Get a particular crime category by ID, valid at a particular date. Uses the crime-categories_ API call. :rtype: CrimeCategory :param str id: The ID of the crime category to get. :param date: The date that the given crime category is valid for (the latest date is used if ``None``). :type date: str or None :return: A crime category with the given ID which is valid for the specified date (or at the latest date, if ``None``). """ try: return self._get_crime_categories(date=date)[id] except KeyError: raise InvalidCategoryException( 'Category %s not found for %s' % (id, date))
[docs] def get_crime(self, persistent_id): """ Get a particular crime by persistent ID. Uses the outcomes-for-crime_ API call. .. _outcomes-for-crime: :rtype: Crime :param str persistent_id: The persistent ID of the crime to get. :return: The ``Crime`` with the given persistent ID. """ method = 'outcomes-for-crime/%s' % persistent_id response = self.service.request('GET', method) crime = Crime(self, data=response['crime']) crime._outcomes = [] outcomes = response['outcomes'] if outcomes is not None: for o in outcomes: o.update({ 'crime': crime, }) crime._outcomes.append(crime.Outcome(self, o)) return crime
[docs] def get_crimes_point(self, lat, lng, date=None, category=None): """ Get crimes within a 1-mile radius of a location. Uses the crime-street_ API call. .. _crime-street: https// :rtype: list :param lat: The latitude of the location. :type lat: float or str :param lng: The longitude of the location. :type lng: float or str :param date: The month in which the crimes were reported in the format ``YYYY-MM`` (the latest date is used if ``None``). :type date: str or None :param category: The category of the crimes to filter by (either by ID or CrimeCategory object) :type category: str or CrimeCategory :return: A ``list`` of crimes which were reported within 1 mile of the specified location, in the given month (optionally filtered by category). """ if isinstance(category, CrimeCategory): category = method = 'crimes-street/%s' % (category or 'all-crime') kwargs = { 'lat': lat, 'lng': lng, } crimes = [] if date is not None: kwargs['date'] = date for c in self.service.request('GET', method, **kwargs): crimes.append(Crime(self, data=c)) return crimes
[docs] def get_crimes_area(self, points, date=None, category=None): """ Get crimes within a custom area. Uses the crime-street_ API call. .. _crime-street: https// :rtype: list :param list points: A ``list`` of ``(lat, lng)`` tuples. :param date: The month in which the crimes were reported in the format ``YYYY-MM`` (the latest date is used if ``None``). :type date: str or None :param category: The category of the crimes to filter by (either by ID or CrimeCategory object) :type category: str or CrimeCategory :return: A ``list`` of crimes which were reported within the specified boundary, in the given month (optionally filtered by category). """ if isinstance(category, CrimeCategory): category = method = 'crimes-street/%s' % (category or 'all-crime') kwargs = { 'poly': encode_polygon(points), } crimes = [] if date is not None: kwargs['date'] = date for c in self.service.request('POST', method, **kwargs): crimes.append(Crime(self, data=c)) return crimes
[docs] def get_crimes_location(self, location_id, date=None): """ Get crimes at a particular snap-point location. Uses the crimes-at-location_ API call. .. _crimes-at-location: :rtype: list :param int location_id: The ID of the location to get crimes for. :param date: The month in which the crimes were reported in the format ``YYYY-MM`` (the latest date is used if ``None``). :type date: str or None :return: A ``list`` of :class:`Crime` objects which were snapped to the :class:`Location` with the specified ID in the given month. """ kwargs = { 'location_id': location_id, } crimes = [] if date is not None: kwargs['date'] = date for c in self.service.request('GET', 'crimes-at-location', **kwargs): crimes.append(Crime(self, data=c)) return crimes
[docs] def get_crimes_no_location(self, force, date=None, category=None): """ Get crimes with no location for a force. Uses the crimes-no-location_ API call. .. _crimes-no-location: :rtype: list :param force: The force to get no-location crimes for. :type force: str or Force :param date: The month in which the crimes were reported in the format ``YYYY-MM`` (the latest date is used if ``None``). :type date: str or None :param category: The category of the crimes to filter by (either by ID or CrimeCategory object) :type category: str or CrimeCategory :return: A ``list`` of :class:`crime.NoLocationCrime` objects which were reported in the given month, by the specified force, but which don't have a location. """ if not isinstance(force, Force): force = Force(self, id=force) if isinstance(category, CrimeCategory): category = kwargs = { 'force':, 'category': category or 'all-crime', } crimes = [] if date is not None: kwargs['date'] = date for c in self.service.request('GET', 'crimes-no-location', **kwargs): crimes.append(NoLocationCrime(self, data=c)) return crimes
def get_stops_within_area(self, points, **kwargs): return [Stop(self, data) for data in self.service.request( 'POST', 'stops-street', poly=encode_polygon(points), **kwargs)] def get_stops_within_radius(self, point, **kwargs): return [Stop(self, data) for data in self.service.request( 'POST', 'stops-street', lat=point[0], lng=point[1], **kwargs)] def get_stops_location(self, location_id, **kwargs): return [Stop(self, data) for data in self.service.request( 'POST', 'stops-at-location', location_id=location_id, **kwargs)] def get_stops_no_location(self, force, **kwargs): if not isinstance(force, Force): force = Force(self, id=force) return [Stop(self, data) for data in self.service.request( 'GET', 'stops-no-location',, **kwargs)] def get_stops_force(self, force, date=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(force, Force): force = Force(self, id=force) return [Stop(self, data) for data in self.service.request( 'GET', 'stops-force',, date=date, **kwargs)]